This is my fourth electric scratch build now. This is the Slim Stick 2000!!! Slim because it sports a symmetrical aerofoil 2mm depron wing and 'stick' for the slow stick boom used in the construction. 2000 is just for fun!Here are the Specs1) Fuselage - Slow Stick boom (6cm shorter than the original) and GWS plastic parts for the slow stick (servo mount/landing gear etc). Fuse lage length is 33.5"2) Wing - I used 2mm depron sheet and made a simple symmetrical aerofoil section wing. 6mm balsa used as the Spar. Ailerons are full length (almost). HXT 900 9gr Servo (1) for the alileron control. The wing is very light weight and stiff. - Wing Chord 8" - Wing Span 36.5" - Max thickness = 0.9" at 25% of chord. 2 X 10mm depron strips used to provide the thickness. - Ailerons are 1.5" wide and 16" long. They are made from 2 strips of 2mm depron with bamboo skewers glued in between them to provide rigidity. UH control horns are used3) Motor : Himodel 980Kv outrunner (10X4.7, 3S 1700mAh, 11.5Amp 107W in at WOT)4) Sx - HXT 900 9gr5) Battery - Himodel 1700mAh 3S6) ESC - TP MAG 18A7) Rx - R156FFlight review - All credits to Prady for test flying the Slim Stick 2000. The plane zommed ahead on take off and is a fast bird. The symmetrical aerofoil gives it the speed, though the glide is not all that great. I believe increasing the chord to 9" will give it a good slide characteristic. It flies really well and does some basic aerobatics. Inverted flight is reallly easy and stable. Rolls and loops are easy and the SS2000 handles it well. Overall a very good plane and virtually indestuctible due to the very nature of the construction. Enjoy some of the Slim Stick 2000 pics below.Rajeev
The SlimStick2000 had met with moderate success. It completed around 10 flights before a nose first crash. The fiberglass stick had some minor damages, the stab broke in half.Well, I modified the design a bit. A new wing with 2 aleron Servos, Depron Fuse, faster motor. The result is SLIM STICK 2000 V2.1!!Today we maidened it at pancards and to flew great. A very easy build. Well I am very happy as this is completely designed by me. Prady gave it a thumbs up!Here are 2 pics.The specs are as follows1) Wing Span - 35"2) Fuse Length - 30"3) Chord - 8.5"4) Aileron Width - 2.5"5) Motor - Turnigy 2210/30 [ 1400kv, 8X6 GWS SF prop gives around 110W+ with 3S@ 12A]6] Servos - HXT900 7) GWS 6ch Naro Servo TP Mag 8 25A ESC9) Batt - 1800mAh 3S 20CAlileron, Rudder and Elevator Control. 2 Servos for Aileron Control.1.5mm Wire for as tail skid. SS Landing Gear mounted on 10cm long fiberglass boom. The fiberglass boom doubles up as motor mount holder too.Rajeev